01 Application and Registration by Agreen
Agreen is a one-platform service that supports the creation, registration, application, and sale of credits. It also simplifies the complex application process by updating the documents required for credit registration and application.

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02 Utilization of Satellite Data

GC has been selected as one of the themes for JAXA’s JAXA Daichi-2 (ALOS-2) Commercialization Demonstration, aiming for social implementation of the use of satellite data in the field of agriculture-derived carbon credits.
Specifically, we will verify the construction of a model for measuring water levels and calculating emissions in rice cultivation projects, aiming to create high-quality credits that ensure objective credibility while reducing the burden on farmers.
03 Blockchain Applications
We have also established an exchange to handle everything from the creation to the sale of carbon credits. The exchange will facilitate the distribution and trading of carbon credits by providing speedy and reliable transactions.
In addition, the exchange will use blockchain technology to manage information such as transaction and redemption histories of credits to prevent tampering and to prevent double counting.

04 Application development and collaboration

We are developing and integrating an app to allow users to submit required documents and information in an easy to understand and simple manner. The app is linked to Agreen, and necessary information can be registered in the app. Photo data, for example, can be taken and uploaded directly from within the app, reducing user man-hours.