Collaboration between 4 Companies: Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd., and Kanematsu Co., Ltd.
reen Carbon, Inc. (CEO: Jun Okita, hereinafter referred to as “Green Carbon”) is pleased to announce that it has participated and has introduced its initiatives regarding JCM in a press conference titled ‘Completion of the Methodology for Methane Reduction in Rice Paddy Fields through the JCM under the ADB-funded project’. The event was held by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan, and co-hosted by the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, and the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization. Green Carbon also forecasts collaborations with Japanese corporations, including Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd., and Kanematsu Co., Ltd, which expects to expand business operations into Southeast Asian markets.
◆Event Details
【Date and Time】June 28th, 2024(Friday)15:00~17:00
【Venue】Ag Venture Lab Library Hall
(Otemachi Building 9th Floor, 1-6-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan)
【Organizer】Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, Ministry of the Environment, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, National Agricultural Research Organization, Asian Development Bank(ADB, Philippines Government, Corporations Affiliated with Agricultural JCM(Creattura Co., Ltd., Faeger Co., Ltd., Green Carbon Co., Ltd., Kubota Co., Ltd., Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Yanmar Co., Ltd., Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.)
【Language】Japanese (Opening Greeting available in both Japanese and English)
【Event Procedures】
- Greetings from Takahashi Mitsuo; Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Qingfeng Zhang; Senior Director for Agriculture Food, Nature, and Rural Development Sector of ADB, Christopher Morales; Undersecretary of the Philippines Ministry of Agriculture (Head of Rice Industry Development)
- Project details presentation (Summary of bilateral credit system, publication of the JCM methodology in the agricultural sector, methodology contents)
- Panel discussion between corporations involved with agricultural JCM systems (Theme: Status of efforts involving the agricultural sector of JCM between various corporations, along with their properties and future expectations for private-public partnerships)
- Question and answer session
- Business card exchanging, etc.
〇Press Release by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Published June 28th)
◆Green Carbon’s collaborative efforts with JCM implementation
Green Carbon is involved in the trading of carbon credits derived from nature, primarily across the regions of Japan and Southeast Asia. The corporation is currently emphasizing the production of carbon credits derived from the collection of methane from water-irrigated paddy fields and eructation from cattle, along with the production of biochar) originating from the agricultural industry. There are current expansions in extending businesses along farmers across Japan, with the kickstarting of the “Rice Crop Consortium”, aimed at obtaining carbon credits from rice paddies. Green Carbon currently holds the biggest certification of J-Credit certification for paddy fields, while partnering with over 40,000 ha of farmland and 600 corporations. Tens and thousands of tons of carbon credits are expected to be produced annually across Southeast Asia and beyond. There are also collaborative projects taking place through the bilateral partnership between Japan and the Philippines, along with Vietnam through the implementation of the JCM system as a joint effort with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.
◆Joint efforts to expand into Southeast Asian Markets
Green Carbon is undertaking efforts to collaborate with the following 4 corporations for global expansion:
〇Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.
We are discussing potential efforts in trading JCM credits produced in the Philippines for domestic markets in Japan. Osaka Gas is dedicating efforts towards decarbonization, through the trading of high-quality carbon credits within Japan in the near future.
〇Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
We are currently expanding our operations of over 400 ODA projects across 37 countries across the globe, including regions in Asia and Africa. The expanded business includes agricultural consulting services regarding water irrigation and farming practices to maximize the efficiency of water systems. Operations include the structuring, R&D, monitoring, and rating of projects while utilizing carbon credits obtained from Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) systems.
Related release: Reduction of methane emissions through the extension of half-drying rice farming and intermittent irrigation as a collaborating project between Green Carbon and Nippon Koei
〇Kanematsu Co., Ltd.
Kanematsu Corporation has begun a 3-year long project “integration 1.0” as their main strategy starting April 2024. Kanematsu is deeply involved with the food supply chain, thus aiming to operate in a circular economy while minimizing environmental impacts while supplying demands for food production. While considering our ecological impacts, we aim to work with Green Carbon to reduce methane gas emissions from paddy fields through the production of carbo credits and environmental restoration across Japan and Vietnam.
Related release: Green Carbon joins efforts with Kanematsu Co., Ltd. aiming towards the creation of carbon credits through methane emission reductions from rice paddies
〇Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance aims to provide risk solutions that promote the sharing of values between societies across the world. We are aiming to minimize risks that may arise between farmers and project investors while promoting the production of JCM carbon credits. Our company is currently discussing with Green Carbon to conduct studies to measure links between methane emission rates and weather patterns.

◆Green Carbon, Inc.
Representative : CEO Jun Okita
Address : Isal AKASAKA607, 5-2-33, Akasaka, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Founded : December 2019
Business Operations : Creation and Selling of Carbon Credits, Agricultural Business, Environmental Business, Businesses related to Environmental Consulting, and others.
◆Introduction of Green Carbon
Green Carbon operates with the vision of “Saving the Earth with the Power of Life,” providing comprehensive support from carbon credit creation, and registration, to sales. Additionally, we are involved in agriculture-related businesses, research and development, and ESG consulting, among others. Our main focus is on the creation of carbon credits through methane gas reduction in rice paddies, where we have obtained certification for J-Credits, the first and largest in Japan (approximately 6,220 tons), and plan to expand to around 50,000 hectares in the fiscal year 2024. We also offer a service called “Agreen” that integrates credit registration, application, and sales into one platform, simplifying procedures such as application registration and document preparation, thus reducing the workload for credit creators.