Basic Agreement on Carbon Credit Generation Project with Australian National Institutions and Companies signed in the presence of Mr. Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Minister of Trade and Tourism of Australia.

-Aiming to create carbon credits on 2 million hectares of Australian farmland-

We are pleased to announce that we accompanied Mr. Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, on his business trip to Melbourne, Australia, from Friday, October 6 to Monday, October 9, and signed a basic agreement with universities and national institutions in Australia for a project to create credits through carbon farming. In this project, carbon credits will be generated using the carbon farming method, targeting 2 million hectares of farmland, with the long-term goal of generating approximately 50 million t-CO₂e in terms of CO2 equivalent.

Background of the Basic Agreement

Australia is actively promoting carbon neutrality and has announced a plan to achieve virtually zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, and has budgeted tens of billions of yen worth of carbon credits for the entire country. GreenCarbon has been paying attention to this background and has completed the registration of ACCUs* on approximately 30 hectares of farmland in Australia using the carbon farming method.

 The MOU signing ceremony between GreenCarbon and Australian companies and government agencies was held in the presence of Minister Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Minister Farrell, Minister for Trade and Tourism of Australia, as a representative effort to promote decarbonization in both countries.



Refers to Australian carbon credits issued by the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) of Australia.

※Middle left: Atsuhiro Hagiwara, Director and co-founder of GreenCarbon

※Middle right: Mr. Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry


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