-Introduction to the potential of agriculture-based decarbonization projects in Indonesia-
We are pleased to announce that on Thursday, November 9, 2023, CFO Takano spoke at two programs of the Carbon Digital Conference Indonesia (“CDC”), organized by ¹IDCTA and ²IETA, and proposed the importance of green strategies and environmental considerations, and the potential of agricultural-derived decarbonization projects.
◆ Carbon Digital Conference Indonesia Overview and Background of the Speaker
CDC is an important conference for disseminating policies throughout the carbon value chain in Indonesia. CDC discusses the challenges and solutions surrounding the carbon market in Indonesia and invites experts to discuss various topics such as environmental conservation, reforestation, sustainable agriculture, and eco-tourism CDC invites carbon credit related companies and NGOs to accelerate green strategies in their early stages and accelerate Indonesia’s achievement of its NDC goals.
Green Carbon is promoting the creation of carbon credits by utilizing methane gas reduction in rice paddies, mainly in Southeast Asia (Philippines, Vietnam, and Bangladesh). In response to a consultation from IDCTA, we explained our efforts to create carbon credits from agriculture and the potential of AI and IoT devices as a solution for carbon credit creation.
On the day of the event, two presentations, “AI and IOT Solutions in Developing Climate, Community and Biodiversity Program” and “Indonesia Carbon Market Update – for The speakers discussed the potential for carbon credit creation in Indonesian farmland and the possibilities and limitations of using technology.
Carbon Digital Conference Indonesia:https://www.carbondigitalconference.id/
※1:IDCTA: Indonesia Carbon Trade Association
※2:IETA:An association of more than 300 members actively involved in the international carbon and emissions markets, IETA’s members include major international banks, energy companies, and industrial companies, in addition to NGOs active in environmental and conservation issues.